By Brian Bennett

Ashington FC’s newly installed boss Andy Coyles, beavering away as he looks to shape his squad for the forthcoming season, has spoken on behalf of the management team about the ‘key’ signings he has already secured – off the field.

Coyles and Richie Hill were installed as head coaches a few weeks ago taking over the reins from Ian Skinner and the duo moved swiftly to secure the services of Gaz Ormston – who joined the Woodhorn Lane club midway through last season as a player – as a third member of their staff.

Now Coyles has been quick to talk openly about the vital contributions made by a plethora of personnel.

He said: “I’d like to make people aware that there are more than just the players and management that contribute towards what is a team effort at the club. Richie, Gaz and myself really appreciate and acknowledge the work done behind the scenes by the Board of Directors; football secretary Gav Perry; physio Mark Ramsden; logistics manager Alan Brown and photographer Ian Brodie. In the short time we have been in charge, they have all played a huge part and have been really supportive – and knowing that they are still going to be in place with us next season is excellent news.”