By Brian Bennett
Alan Brown celebrates a milestone birthday today – and a group of his friends were more than happy to send him heartfelt messages of congratulations.
Now aged 70, Alan continues to devote hours of his time as the long serving logistics manager at Ashington Football Club where he was presented with the Club Person of the Year award at the end of the 2022-23 season.
Former chairman of Ashington FC Brian Shotton said: “It was probably the early 1990’s when Alan first took on the role of logistics manager. He returned when Stephen Harmison came to the club as manager around 2015 and continued in the role when Ian Skinner was team boss – and the rest is history. Alan shows fantastic commitment. He’s not just the kit man – Alan and George Fitton spend time here at the club every day. I’ve always said that football always bridges the age gap and although Alan is nigh on 30 years older than me you wouldn’t think it because we’ve got so much in common. He’s a dear friend as well and the club couldn’t do what it does without him.”
Former manager Ian Skinner said: “Alan is one of the unsung heroes really. He is somebody who I have known for a very long time. I knew Alan as a young boy and our paths crossed again when his son David came to play football in one of the initiatives I was part of. I came to Ashington FC with Stephen Harmison and Stephen asked Alan to come along and get involved and help out as the logistics manager. From that moment onwards, we’ve spent a lot of time together through Stephen’s reign as manager then when I came back to take the role on. Alan is one of those who dedicates hours and hours and never wants anything for it. He’s the heartbeat of the football club. He’s here seven days a week and always finds something to do and without people like Alan, the football club wouldn’t be in the position it finds itself in today in terms of keeping on top of everything and he’s one of a band of volunteers that the club are lucky to have. He deserves all the credit – not that he’ll ever take any – and probably that’s part of the reason why even to this day I meet up with him and see him out of the respect I have for him. Because of the friendship we have and all of the work he does for the football club I think it’s nice to go and see him and have a drink with him. We have a strong friendship and long may that continue – and long may he continue to do a sterling job for the football club.”
Karl Ross captain of Ashington FC said: “I speak on behalf of all the lads when I say that we think Alan is an absolute legend. I don’t think many people realise how much effort and how much commitment he puts in every week. Even for training on Tuesdays and Thursdays we get to the ground and our kit is already hanging up for us and the way he sets things up it’s literally like being at a professional club. Alan is the heart and soul of the club and it’s an absolute pleasure to have him around every week.”
Keith Grant a long time friend of Alan said: “I grew up with Alan at St Benedict’s School in Ashington. He was a couple of years older than me and he was head boy. We played football together at U18 level for youth clubs at St Benedict’s then later on in the Welfare League when he was at the Northern. When I went to Ashington FC as manager, Alan helped out behind the scenes with the late Alan Hayton where they used to mark the pitch and put the nets up. When I went to Morpeth Town FC, Alan came as well where he was the physio. He was also involved in Sunday morning football for so long that he knew all of the players whilst he’s also a member of one of the teams who enter the weekly quiz which I run at the Ashington RAOB club. Alan gets on with everybody and will do anything to help – and I’ve never heard a bad word said against him from anybody. He’s a really nice fellow.”
Another friend Adam Nichol said “Alan is a top bloke who I’ve known for quite a while now. We golf together and we are in the same the quiz team at the Ashington RAOB on a Monday evening. Alan will help anybody. He puts in a lot of hours at Ashington FC behind the scenes which people don’t often see and I wish him all the best.”